_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ / CDValet (TM), Version 3.31 \ \ (C) Copyright 1997, Greg Leichner, All rights reserved. / -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- December, 1997 CDValet was formerly known as EasyCD2 What's New in CDValet v3.30 & 3.31 ---------------------------------- CDValet: 1) New Track Direct Access dialog. This dialog allows you move around the current track using a slider. There is also a play loop feature that lets you select a section of the track that will loop automatically. 2) Better CD Control Panel Layout. Now the play status and track display are separate. The track title and the time/status are now always visible. In addition, there is a new "Hide" button so you can easily hide the CD Control Panel without going to the menu. 3) Tool Tip displays. Each button on the CD Control Panel and the Track Direct Access dialog now have tool tips that show up when you "hover" the mouse over them. 4) Drive Scan options. If you have a system with multiple CD-ROM drives, you can now disable the scan of selected drives. This allows you to have some drives dedicated to data CD's while others are dedicated to audio CD's. 5) CD Control Panel move delay. There is now a slight delay when trying to move the CD Control Panel. This helps to eliminate unintended moves when interacting with the dialog. CD Database Manager: 1) Title Print. Yes, after much delay, you can now print the titles in the CDValet database from the CD Database Manager. 2) CDDB ID now shown. The CDDB ID is now shown in the CD Database Manager in addition to the Windows ID. 3) Size and Position saved. All size and position information, including the column widths are now saved between runs of the CD Database Manager. 4) Accelerator keys for main functions. You can now use standard accelerator keys for the main menu items. 5) Sort all columns in ascending and descending orders. Just like the Explorer, you can select the column name and it will reverse the sort order based on that column. Bug Fixes in 3.31: 1) "Repeat Current" does not work when also in "Random Mode". 2) CDDB query stalls randomly with the status "Sending Quit Command". 3) Last track played is occasionally disabled in track menu when play is stopped. 4) Using the "Play Loop" feature on the Track Direct Access dialog sometimes causes play to "stutter". 5) On a few systems, the volume drops out on one side when using the volume control buttons. Bug Fixes in 3.30: 1) Problem where CDValet on NT 4.0 not does not see a newly inserted CD has been fixed. 2) Various problems with special CD play functions have been fixed. This includes problems with random mode, repeat current, etc. 3) Lots of little "nit picky" bugs and things have been fixed. These fixes are either too small or internal issues, so I can not list them here. What Was New In Previous Versions --------------------------------- CDValet v3.01: 1) Hey, if you haven't noticed yet, it's got a new name! 2) NT 4.0 support. CDValet now works on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. 3) Support for querying the CDDBD servers via HTTP. Now if you can get to the Web, you can use CDValet to query the CDDBD servers, even if you are behind a firewall! 4) New support for submitting new entries to CDDB using MAPI. Now, if you run Microsoft Exchange for sending and receiving E-Mail, CDValet can use it to submit new entries without requiring direct access to an SMTP server. 5) Full integrated Windows help. All online documentation is now in Windows help format including popup help for the properties and options dialogs. 6) Multiple CD-ROM support. CDValet will now keep track of all CD-ROM drives in the system. 7) CD-ROM changer support. CD-ROM changers are supported under both Windows95 and Windows NT 4.0 based on proper CD-ROM driver implementation. 8) Random mode can cross multiple drives. CDValet can play a track on one drive and then randomly pick the next track from all audio CD's in the drives. 9) Volume control on CD Control Panel can now control any any volume mixer, i.e. main volume, CD volume, etc. 10) CD Control Panel now can display the CD title information or the time and drive status. 11) The CDValet CD database is now stored in it's own files instead of in registry. This could probably be put in the 'Bugs Fixed' list, but I see it as a feature. ;) 12) Auto server list download. CDValet will automatically download the most current Internet CDDB server list. It will never have an out dated server list again. 13) Auto category list download. CDValet will automatically download the most current CDDB category list. This list is not anticipated to change, but if it does... 14) CD entries can now include arbitrarily long 'extended' information for each CD and for each track. This can be used for information on conductors, composers, or lyrics. 15) CDDB revision number tracking (this is maintained internally for the Internet CDDB Servers to keep track of updates to titles). 16) CD Control panel now displays current CD-ROM drive. 17) Optional interactive popup status dialog. 18) New exit options for leaving CDValet running even if there are no CD's in the drive(s). 19) Query and submit operations can now be started from the main menus. 20) Can start CD Database Manager directly from the main menus. CD Database Manager v2.01: 1) Full text search. You can now search the CDValet database for any text string. 2) CD Database Manager now uses a more sophisticated 'list view'. You can sort the list by ID, artist or title by selecting the column header, just like in the Explorer. 3) CD Database Manager shows entry source (Manual or CDDB) and submitted flag. The submitted flag shows that you have previously submitted the entry to CDDB. 4) CD Database Manager now has a built in backup and restore options. Now it is easy to backup the CD database so you can restore it later if you need to reload windows. Bug Fixes for v3.01: 1) Found the cause of occasional corruption in the CDValet database. This would sometimes cause CDValet or the CD Database Manager to display an error message after trying to compact the database. 2) Fixed problem running CD Database Manager with empty database causing CD Database Manager to exit with an error message or to not start at all. 3) Volume selection now saved between startups. 4) Extended information is no longer truncated. 5) Fixed problem displaying '&' in popup menus. Previously, track titles that had an '&' in them would display them as '_' in the popup menus. 6) Installation script now has double quotes in the paths for correct operation with long file names. 7) Previous track button now re-starts current track with a single click and goes to previous track with a double click just like a real CD player. 8) Fixed the processing for a CDDB fuzzy response that sometimes caused the inability to download the selected entry (this would sometimes cause an infinite loop of fuzzy responses). 9) Editing of an track title in the properties dialog now behaves better with cut and pastes. 10) Only one copy of CDValet can run at a time. 11) Improved local CDDB query accuracy. The increased size of the local database was causing occasional incorrect lookups in the local database. The increased accuracy is, of course, at the expense of a decreased success rate.